Camio DIY Detectors

Build your own AI models—in 30 minutes.

Create custom detectors from your own video—without code or data scientists. Simply click on any object in your own video and give it a label. Camio then automates the training and deployment of the new AI model to run on your system.

Camio Do-It-Yourself Detectors empower end users to create detectors specific to their own environment—and deploy them in 72 hours.


Create and deploy without specialized tools

Use the Camio one-click segmenter to label any object in a video in a few seconds. Object trackers then collect hundreds of training images from each event (e.g. 360 training images from a 24-second event at 15 fps) to initiate training of a new model. Once a new model is trained, it’s automatically deployed on the associated account to perform predictions on newly arriving video events. End users can then search for that new object type and trigger alerts with the same search box simplicity as any other query with Camio.


Detect objects specific to your environment

Remove the limitations of fixed sets of AI models with Camio DIY Detectors. Extensible natural language search drives custom alerts and data.

Segmented Object Tracking Autoextraction (SOTA)

Example: Tell me when hazardous recycling has been removed.
Example: Alert when this high-value object moves and enable me to find it.

Camio DIY Detectors: search box power and simplicity—unbounded.

Launch your own detectors.